Animepisode disqus rules

  • No advertisement
  • No NSFW
  • Be cool, kind, and civil. Treat all members with respect and express your thoughts in a constructive manner
  • Use an appropriate name and avatar
  • Do not spam
  • Don’t leak anyone info 
  • No harassment, abuse, or bullying.
  • No political or religious topics.
  • No racist, sexist, anti-LGBTQ+, or otherwise offensive content. 
  • A lot of Trolling and Bullying other Members is bannable
  • Keep your posts to a maximum of 4 posts per episode (please), not including replies

Spoiler Rules


  • Regardless of whether it is a manga/light novel/visual novel or what the anime is based on, spoilers are not permitted without spoiler tags.


  • You may spoil any future events, answer any question regarding something that may occur in the future, or discuss something with someone only if you include a spoiler tag in your comment.
  • It is not considered a spoiler to talk about past and present events.

How to add spoiler tags:

  • The message can be highlighted and clicked in the eye with the crossing line( look at the red circle ), or you can copy and paste the  <spoiler>  at the beginning and end of your message 


  • The first thing we will do is delete your comment, and one of our Disqus managers will politely ask you to stop spoiling. If this offense is committed numerous times, we have no choice but to ban you. (bans are permanent unless you make an appeal but this feature is not yet completed )

How to notify Disqus managers:

  • Although Disqus managers try to monitor every comment, some slip through. If you want to notify a Disqus manager of spoilers, please use the flag option that is labeled in red. You can click any reason btw..This also applies to any bullying or harassment you might see or experience yourself.
  • The best way to let us know about those kinds of comments is to flag them. We appreciate any help you can provide.

    (Eden zero >:) zero episodes 24)

Stay on Topic/Memes


  • No racist, sexist, anti-LGBTQ or political or religious topics, or any complex subjects that may result in controversial and offensive posts.
  • No reposting of the discord link, although we appreciate the thought, please don't repost it
  • Keep your comments on topic, if we determine your comment has no connection to the episode, your comment will be deleted
  • NO gory memes or NSFW memes
  • Instant-ban for posting links to websites that may contain viruses or harm your PC or device


  • The use of memes is permitted, but racist or homophobic memes or any meme of that nature is not.
  • It is okay to reference another anime


  • Racism is one chance only, meaning that if you commit it again you will be banned. This applies to homophobia too
  • We won't warn you more than three times for gory or NSFW memes after that is a ban
  • You will be banned if you are out of topic a lot after being warned a couple of times



  • Promoting any website that is not owned by Spunky will result in a ban (with no warnings or anything).

Our websites:


  • Mentioning a manga website  is fine, but don't provide the link
  • News articles are not allowed unless is related to the anime
  • Links related to the anime would be allowed after being revised by a Disqus manager



  • No slurs 
  • No swearing to individuals


  • Swearing is fine, as long as it’s not directed towards members.


  • You will be warned but if you keep up that behavior, you will be banned as well.



  • It is considered spam to comment the same sentence multiple times in the same episode 
  • Keep your posts to a maximum of 4 posts per episode (please), not including replies
  • Sending the same gif within the same episode is not allowed 
  • Going around sending the same gif/image is not allowed (unless you are spunky) 
  • Saying first or second, for the time being, is allowed

Questions or Concerns

We would be delighted to hear from you if you have any questions about this document or the site, or if you wish us to add any specific rules or make any improvements to the site or document.

In this regard, if you ever think one of your comments was unjustly deleted by us as Disqus managers, please contact us either via Discord or reply to one of our comments, and we will reevaluate it. It is possible for us to make mistakes as Disqus managers and sometimes delete incorrect posts    


Email -

Disqus managers

  • Spunky
  • Suzu
  • Jayn9

Aaaa, we are also in need of one more disqus manager. Contact us via discord, and you might become the next disqus manager.


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